The human resource development goals of the Ph.D. Program in Empowerment Informatics are to develop students’ abilities necessary to create systems capable of “empower people” in the following three areas:Interdisciplinary Ability: Aptitude to consider issues from multiple perspectives, see the "big picture", and approach issues with ingenuity
Presentation Ability: Skills to communicate and appeal the essence of research achievements
Frontline Ability: Capability to resolve real-world problems in industrial, governmental, and academic spheres.
To fulfill these goals, the program provides unique curricula, which include a set of courses corresponding to the elements of users, systems, and contents. Students will enroll in interdisciplinary course work in highly professional subjects of arts, business, and medical science. Additionally, students will participate in an “Empowerment Informatics Advanced Tutorial Study” based on Tsukuba-style PBL (problem based learning), “Research Design Exercise” to acquire research management techniques, “Practical Training in Engineering Residence” at a Japanese or overseas business, and “Collaboratory Exercise”, which involves the University of Tsukuba’s unique laboratory rotation practice.
The program includes quantitative multi-system evaluations of the practical research-ability development courses for each stage. The assessment results will be shared with the external institutions where the students are trained and the business that employ the students upon program completion.