Hitachi, Ltd. senior adviser Takashi Kawamura delivers lecture and takes part in discussions with students

On Monday, December 21, 2015 at the University Hall, Hitachi, Ltd. senior adviser Takashi Kawamura delivered a lecture and took part in discussions with students, in an event organized jointly with the International Innovation Interface Organization. In the lecture, titled “Developing globally competitive human resources,” Mr. Kawamura spoke about the ideal form of a company and the shape of business leaders amid globalization. About 100 members of faculty and students, including the President and Vice Presidents, attended this lecture.

After the lecture, Mr. Kawamura took part in an English-language panel discussion with 12 students of the Ph.D. Program in Empowerment Informatics (EMP), moderated by second-year student Satoki Ogiso. It began with an introduction to the EMP program by second-year student Jun Nishida, followed by a wide range of questions for Mr. Kawamura, who moved up from the status of a student to a leader of a major firm, concerning subjects such as what it’s like to be a business leader, the vision of a doctoral program desired by business, the relationship between research and development within a company, and his views on current social issues. This proved a very valuable opportunity for students to deepen their understanding of business leaders, as Mr. Kawamura answered each student’s questions in detail.

A scene from the lecture