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Interdisciplinary Workshop for Leading Students 2015 (IW4LS2015)出席報告

Interdisciplinary Workshop for Leading Students 2015 (IW4LS2015)出席報告

2015年4月11日(土)に名古屋大学で開催されたInterdisciplinary Workshop for Leading Students 2015 (IW4LS2015)にEMP新入生15名が参加しました。本ワークショップは、分野横断型(情報)リーディングの今後の連携強化、学生交流を目的としたもので、早稲田大学「実体情報学博士プログラム」、豊橋技科大学「超大規模脳情報を高度に技術するブレイン情報アーキテクトの育成」、筑波大学「エンパワーメント情報学プログラム」、名古屋大学「実世界データ循環学リーダー人材養成プログラム」の4リーディングの学生、教員、約100名が集まり、お互いのリーディングの紹介や、今後の連携に関するディスカッションを行うものです。


ワークショップでは、まず、各プログラムコーディネーターである、菅野重樹教授(早稲田大学)、中内茂樹教授(豊橋技科大学)、武田一哉教授(名古屋大学)、鈴木健嗣准教授(筑波大学(プログラムコーディネーター代理))より、各リーディングの紹介が行われ、その後、参加学生を9チームに分けて「Collaboration with the Graduate Program for Real-World Data Circulation Leaders, Nagoya University」をテーマに議論する、グループワークが行われました。最終的に、学生はチームごとにまとめたアイディアを発表し、投票によりBest Idea Award及び、Unique Idea Awardを決定しました。本プログラムでは、1年次 ISHAC KarlosさんのチームがBest Idea Award、3年次 倉本 尚美さんのチームがUnique Idea Awardに選ばれました。

The workshop in Nagoya was a great opportunity to collaborate with Japan’s leading University’s in the Robotics, Neuroscience and Data Circulation fields. It gave me the chance to network with fellow students in the same research field as myself and whom shared similar interests. As well as this, I had the privilege of meeting students from other research areas which I was also interested in. This provided me with a good basis for discussing potential interdisciplinary research ideas and network with other like minded students. The competition on the day saw us test our research, technical and creative abilities by being randomly put into a group and given 2 hours to design and present a system for improving data circulation between our Universities and research labs. It was an enjoyable and challenging contest and it was also very interesting to see the systems presented by the other groups. Overall I greatly enjoyed the workshop and felt like it was an informative experience and an excellent opportunity to harness and expand my technical and entrepreneurial abilities.




Interdisciplinary Workshop for Leading Students 2015 was an interesting opportunity to meet up with students from other Universities in Japan, with similar fields of research; especially for us, foreign Empowerment Informatics students, who were not familiar with other Japanese Universities programs and academic research activities. From the Universities representatives talks and slides we have learned a lot about their programs and research achievements. During the workshop session I received some even more detailed information regarding their study approach and curriculums directly from students. We compared our laboratory research topics and talked about future collaboration with regards to our program possibilities and achievements. During the brainstorming session on solving our task within the proposed new collaborative system among our departments it was interesting to hear and learn other students visions of solving and presenting the idea. To make a project proposal in such a short time was a challenging task for us. Of course it was a good test for us to see how flexible and operational we are in the collaborative work with totally new people from different countries.

Nagoya Interdisciplinary workshop was also a good opportunity to visit Nagoya University where their representatives showed us their facilities and presented to us some of their projects developments.

In my opinion this kind of collaborative interdisciplinary workshops among different universities are important for getting to know and share each other’s knowledge and experience. I believe that communication among students from different universities is fundamental for any further collaboration regarding education, research or joint projects.



Unique Idea Awardに選ばれた倉本さんと、Best Idea Awardに選ばれたISHACさん。