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2016年6月10日(金)15:30 – 16:30:3B213:The 1st meeting of EMP Seminar Series 英エジンバラ大学 Sethu Vijayakumar教授講演会のご案内

2016 1st EMP Seminar Seriesでは、英エジンバラ大学よりSethu Vijayakumar教授をお招きし、ご講演いただきます。貴重な機会となりますので、皆様奮ってご参加ください。



場所:筑波大学 第3エリア 3B213

講師:Sethu Vijayakumar教授(英エジンバラ大学)

演題:Statistical Machine Learning and Motor Control

概要:The next generation of robots are going to work much more closely with humans, other robots and interact significantly with the environment around it. As a result, the key paradigms are shifting from isolated decision making systems to one that involves sharing control — with significant autonomy devolved to the RAS systems; and end-users in the loop making only high level decisions.

The key questions is: while the robots are ready to share control, what is the optimal trade-off between autonomy and control that we are comfortable with?

This talk will look at technologies ranging from robust multi-modal sensing, shared representations, compliant actuation and real-time learning and adaptation that are enabling us to reap the benefits of increased autonomy while still feeling securely in control.

Domains where this debate is relevant NOW include self-driving cars, mining, shared manufacturing, exoskeletons for rehabilitation, active prosthetics, large scale scheduling (e.g. transport) systems as well as Oil and Gas exploration to list a few.