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2016年12月20日(火)15:00 – 17:00:エンパワースタジオ:The 7th meeting of EMP Colloquium Series UCLA Erkki Huhtamo教授講演会のご案内

The 7th EMP Colloquium Seriesでは、米カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校よりErkki Huhtamo教授をお招きしご講演いただきます。貴重な機会となりますので、皆様奮ってご参加ください。


会場:筑波大学 第3エリア エンパワースタジオ・ノマド型実験室

講師:Erkki Huhtamo (Professor of Design Media Arts and Film, Television and Digital Media, UCLA)

講演タイトル:Screenology: Media Archaeology of the Screen.

概要:Screens surround our lives, but what do we know about their history? This lecture presents a media archaeology of the screen, excavating their past and present forms within a period of 500 years. The point of the talk is to demonstrate that to understand “media screens” it is worth studying their earlier forms, both material and imaginary. The lecture gives a sneak preview of the speaker’s big new book that will be published in 2017.