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2017年6月14日(水)13:00 – 15:00 2017 エンパワーメント情報学セミナー 京都大学 児玉 幸子准教授講演会のご案内

2017 Empowerment Informatics Seminarでは、電気通信大学 大学院情報理工学研究科より児玉 幸子教授をお招きしご講演いただきます。貴重な機会となりますので、皆様奮ってご参加ください。


会場:筑波大学 第3エリア 3B213(プレゼンルーム)

講師:児玉 幸子先生 (電気通信大学 大学院情報理工学研究科 教授)

講演タイトル:“Design and development of physical devices as information media for media art creations”

概要:Recent activities in the domain of media arts indicate an innovative emerging approach to developing physical devices as information media and utilizing them for artistic creations. In this development, the devices have their own input/output, microprocessor, and memory. In this lecture, I will discuss how to design a hybrid information device for art based on my two current media art projects. The first is the ferrofluid art project where ferrofluids are utilized to generate organic forms by designing and controlling magnetic fields. The second is the development of an infotainment system that generates real-time dynamic computer graphics/music/3D sculptures based on the player’s motions using sensory/wireless devices. In both projects, organic forms, patterns, rhythms, and speed in nature suggest key concepts in art for human emotions and sensitivities.