2017年7月2日(日)から8日(土)にかけて、筑波大学、Eindhoven University of Technology, Fontys University, University of Utrechtの4大学での合同サマーワークショップがエンパワーメントスタジオで開催されました。各大学から参加した学生は専門分野の異なる5つの混成グループに分かれ、約一週間のワークショップを通して「Entrepreneurial Innovation on Vitality of the Mass」というテーマでディスカッションやサービス/プロダクトの提案、ビジネスアイデアのプレゼンテーションを行いました。また、オランダ大使館での発表や筑波大学体育系施設やJAXA見学などのレクリエーションもあり、学生・教員間での活発な交流や研究に関する意見交換も行われました。
From July 3rd to July 7th, the Empowerment Informatics program in Tsukuba welcomed the Japanese-Dutch Vitality Summer Workshop. This workshop was set up as a collaboration between the University of Tsukuba (EMP and Art&Design), Eindhoven University of Technology, the University of Utrecht, and Fontys University of Applied Science, and was supported by Noord-Brabant and the TX Entrepreneur Partners. The week was rich in terms of visits and discoveries, intense in terms of work, and enjoyable in terms of social time.
To inaugurate this workshop on vitality, we climbed Mt. Tsukuba on Sunday. Then on Monday, we visited the labs of the Faculty of Sport Science in Tsukuba. On Tuesday, we visited Jaxa and the Dutch Embassy in Tokyo (and Tokyu Hands!). And on Wednesday, we discovered the impressive research installations of EMP!
The workshop project, on Entrepreneurial Innovation on Vitality for the Mass, was introduced to the students on the Monday morning. Already on Monday evening, the student groups presented their concepts 4 times to the staff! This effort resulted on the next day in very promising presentations at the Dutch Embassy in Tokyo. Throughout the rest of the week, the students kept on developing and refining their concepts, which were eventually presented at the EMP studio on Friday evening. Presentations were great and very appreciated by all. And this positive atmosphere kept on with a social event with food and drinks.
It was a fantastic experience for all of us. The projects went very well; the visits were memorable; and overall the intercultural and human experiences made this week very rich and enjoyable.
I would like to thank everybody who took part to the organisation and to the execution of this workshop, especially the students who did a remarkable job, and the staff members of EMP who welcomed us both in a very constructive and friendly way.
To be continued…
Dr. Pierre Lévy
Assistant Professor at Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)