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2018年9月20日(木)14:00-15:00:3B213:2018 The 1st Meeting of EMP Student Colloquium Series, ISHAC Karlosさん講演会のご案内

2018 The 1stMeeting of EMP Student Colloquium Seriesでは、4年次ISHAC Karlosさん(CEO/Founder, LifeChair)による講演が行われます。貴重な機会となりますので、皆様奮ってご参加ください。




講師:Mr. ISHAC Karlos (CEO/Founder, LifeChair)

講演タイトル:Impactful Inventions: My Journey Building a Robotics Company and Transforming Research into a Global Product

概要:As technology continues to change society at an increasing pace a new wave of tech entrepreneurs are rising to create solutions for improving the global human experience. It is also becoming more common for scientific researchers to turn their projects into products and form spin off companies. Karlos Ishac is a Ph.D Researcher at the University of Tsukuba and the CEO/Founder of 2 technology startup companies consisting of an international team operating across the globe. He is an inventor with a focus on healthcare interfaces that has lead his team to develop the world’s first IoT posture training system ‘LifeChair’. The LifeChair has gathered vast interest from both Japanese and international companies. This workshop focuses on his journey starting up a company from idea to innovation and will offer insight on the full production cycle from coming up with an idea, developing a prototype, research and patenting and sourcing factories for commercialization.