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2018年12月4日(火)10:00-12:00:3B213:2018 The 2nd Meeting of EMP Seminar Series, Burdet Etienne氏講演会のご案内

2018 The 2ndMeeting of EMP Seminar Seriesでは、Imperial College LondonよりBurdet Etienne氏をお招きしご講演いただきます。貴重な機会となりますので、皆様奮ってご参加ください。



会場:筑波大学 第3エリア プレゼンルーム(3B213)

講師:Prof. Burdet Etienne (Faculty of Engineering, Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London)

講演タイトル:Human-machine interaction and neurorehabilitation

概要:My research interest is in human-machine interaction. I enjoy investigating how humans interact with their environment and with each other. With my group, we develop new technical tools for this purpose, and take all opportunities to use our acquired knowledge and devices in clinical applications. My talk will highlight some of our projects, such as how understanding the process of learning of physical interactions in humans can improve neurorehabilitation technologies, or how we use robotic systems to investigate brain development in prematurely born babies at risk of cerebral palsy.