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2016年6月3日(金)16:30 – 17:30:エンパワースタジオ:The 3rd meeting of EMP Colloquium Series University of Southern California, David Craig氏講演会のご案内

The 3rd EMP Colloquium Seriesでは、南カリフォルニア大学よりDavid Craig先生をお招きしご講演いただきます。貴重な機会となりますので、皆様奮ってご参加ください。


会場:筑波大学 第3エリア エンパワースタジオ ノマド型実験室

講師:David Craig, Ph.D. (Clinical Assistant Professor, University of Southern California)

講演タイトル:“COMMUNITAINMENT: Mapping the new screen ecology of social media entertainment”

概要:Prof. David Craig will give a talk on “Communitainment: Mapping the new screen ecology of social media entertainment.” Prof. Craig has been mapping the fundamental dynamics at play in the challenges to, and changes in, screen entertainment (‘Hollywood’) occasioned by a proto-industry (‘social media entertainment’) facilitated by communications technologies (the new digital platforms), primary strategies of communication as much as content (intense interactivity), and driven by an ethos of community (an ecology where fans, subscribers and supporters directly constitute the communities which trigger the sustainability of content creator careers). Hence the term: communitainment.

The new form of entertainment Prof. Craig sees in social networking is relevant to EMP because it may be able serve as a vehicle to measure and train individuals with impaired ability to socialize. Please come to this event.