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2016年10月31日(月)10:00 – 12:00:3B213:The 5th meeting of EMP Colloquium Series 米マサチューセッツ工科大学 Nicholas M. Patrikalakis教授講演会のご案内

The 5th EMP Colloquium Seriesでは、米マサチューセッツ工科大学よりNicholas M. Patrikalakis教授をお招きしご講演いただきます。貴重な機会となりますので、皆様奮ってご参加ください。


会場:筑波大学 第3エリア 3B213(プレゼンルーム)

講師:Nicholas M. Patrikalakis (The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kawasaki Professor of Engineering)


概要:In this talk we present a unifying conceptual framework for a variety of shape interrogation (or shape processing) problems, recasting such problems as solutions of nonlinear polynomial systems. We then connect subdivision and interval methods for effective solution of the resulting systems. We then address some shape similarity problems focusing on how the preceding methods as well as differential geometry techniques assist in the solution of such problems.  We conclude with open problems relating to shape and physical modeling and interrogation in computer-aided design and manufacturing including inverse problems for materially heterogeneous objects as well as objects with complex internal structure that are specifically designed for challenging applications.